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NEBOSH PSM (Process Safety Management) Result Banner with our passing rate

NEBOSH HSE Certificate in
PSM (Process Safety Management)


Process Safety Management (PSM) is a systematic analytical tool for preventing the release of highly hazardous chemicals (Hazardous chemicals include toxic, reactive, explosive and highly flammable liquids and gases).

Unexpected releases of toxic, reactive or flammable liquids and gases in processes involving highly hazardous chemicals have been reported for many years, in various industries using chemicals with such properties. Regardless of the industry that uses these highly hazardous chemicals, there is a potential for an accident release anytime they are not properly controlled, creating the possibility of disaster.

NEBOSH has collaborated on the development of this specialist qualification with the United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

NEBOSH PSM has been credit rated and levelled by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Awarding at level 7 with 5 credits.

Vocationally-Related Qualification (VRQ) at level 4 in the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), comparable to A-level standard.

NEBOSH PSM aims to provide holders with the knowledge and understanding of Process Safety Management to ensure that they can contributeto the effective management of process safety risks.

The NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management is suitable for supervisors, newly appointed managers, junior managers, safety representatives and newly qualified health and safety advisors within the process industries.


Process Safety Management

Training Mode








Exam Type

Open Book Written Exam

Benefits of NEBOSH PSM

  • Process Safety is a blend of engineering and management skills focused on preventing catastrophic accidents.

  • NEBOSH PSM focuses to reduce the risk of hazardous substances release to employees and community.

  • Increases knowledge about handling hazardous process or chemical releases and ensure the entire organization is within a safe working place.

  • To gain most recognized International Process Safety Management certificate from NEBOSH.

  • Helps to get a job opportunity in various process industry globally.

  • Process Safety Management (PSM) is a comprehensive management that aims to decrease the number and severity of incidents and demonstrate that risks are being adequately controlled.

  • This will help to prevent loss of life but will also help to protect valuable assets and help organisations avoid prosecution and ultimately loss of reputation.

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Who can do NEBOSH PSM

  • People from all around the world who work in process industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals.

  • Ideal for managers, safety representatives and health and safety advisors working within the process industries.

  • It is designed for chemical and process safety engineers experienced in the specification, design and maintenance of process plant.

  • It is recommended that learners should already have an underpinning knowledge of health and safety issues, and many will have gained another NEBOSH qualification.

View the NEBOSH Process Safety Management (PSM) sample certificate and envision your success.

Duration, Training, Assessment and Other Information

Duration for preparation
PSM Course require a minimum of 28 tutorial tution hours and approximately 20 hours of private study for an overall total of 48 hours.
Only one Unit PSM1 assessment
Assessed by a 90 minutes multiple-choice question paper.
The question paper consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. Min passing mark is 60% (24 correct questions out of 40).
Other Information
10 questions are extended scenario questions which will be randomly distributed throughout the paper.
Each question is worth one mark and has one correct and three incorrect responses available.
The question paper covers the whole syllabus with at least one question per element and all questions are compulsory.

NEBOSH PSM Course Syllabus

Key Topic Covered
  • Process Safety Leadership
  • Management of Change
  • Competence
  • Management of Process Risk
  • Process Safety Hazard Control
  • Fire and Explosion Protection
Element 1: Process Safety Leadership
Element 2: Management of Process Risk
Element 3: Process Safety Hazard Control
Element 4: Fire Protection and Emergency Response

Upcoming NEBOSH PSM Course batches.

Start Date End Date Exam Date Enroll
4th Jan-25 21th Jan-25 22nd Jan-25 Enroll Now
4th Feb-25 25th Feb-25 26th Feb-25 Enroll Now
4th Mar-25 25th Mar-25 26th Mar-25 Enroll Now
4th April-25 22nd April-25 23rd April-25 Enroll Now
4th May-25 27th May-25 28th May-25 Enroll Now
4th June-25 24th June-25 25th June-25 Enroll Now
4th July-25 22nd July-25 23rd July-25 Enroll Now
4th Aug-25 26th Aug-25 27th Aug-25 Enroll Now
4th Sept-25 23rd Sept-25 24th Sept-25 Enroll Now
4th Oct-25 28th Oct-25 29th Oct-25 Enroll Now
4th Nov-25 25th Nov-25 26th Nov-25 Enroll Now
Learner's Testimonials